Photography Credits

Barwon Darling Water - Bourke

Christine Freak - Murray River at Albury

Christine Freak - Oranges in Murrumbidgee

CICL - Southern Bell Frog

Claire Miller - Coree Rice Paddy

Claire Miller - Moree Wheat Field

Cotton Australia - Cotton Plant

Country Road - The Kahls Family Project

Country Road - The Watsons Family Project

Good Earth Cotton - Team Members

Jillian Tudgey - Cotton Picking

Matt Herring - Bitterns in Rice

Matt Herring - Whiskered Terns

Ricegrowers' Association of Australia - Rice Crop

Ricegrowers' Association of Australia - Rice Paddy at Sunset

Stef Schulte - Water Pump

Tim Napier - Border Rivers Flood

Tim Napier - Border Rivers Flooded Landscape

Will Russell - Dairy Cows